Arhuman's Blog

Arhuman's Blog

Ideas, rants, tutorials for those interested

I’m a 52 years old French guy, father of 2 boys and a princess.

I’m an entrepreneur paid to solve complex problems involving computers, usually by building tools (software) or manipulating huge quantity of data, or sometimes coaching or managing people. On my free time I like to do the exact same things as it’s my passion. (More references on my Linkedin profile)

I’m an unorthodox person, so instead of trying to paint an inaccurate portrait of myself, here are some facts:

  • I’ve been coding since I was 13 (it was in BASIC at the time).
  • I first installed Linux in 1993 (it was a Slackware)
  • I loved Perl enough to create a user group and (co-)organize national event.
  • I’m a proud Gopher (and produce a podcast about Go language in French)
  • In a previous life I did quite a lot of security (and even hold a specialization in Cryptography)
  • I like to solve complex problems
  • I practised many Martial Arts (Arnis, Vo Thuat, Muay Thai, Pencak Silat, Tae kwon do, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
  • I coded in many languages (including COBOL,)

If you prefer more conventional information or need references, see my Linkedin profile

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